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On the 21/02/2021 Téo Marcel was born just after the sunrise .

From the day I found out my due date I always said he was going to arrive on that day. And this is because it was also my beloved grandmother, Mamau’s birthday aswell and I know deep down that she would have been with me on that really special day .

After doing my own researches and weighting the pros and cons, with Horrie we made the personal choice to birth our baby in the comfort of our own home surrounded by two amazing private midwives, knowing that if for any reasons something did not go right we would have their support and knowledge to ensure mine and Téo’s safety and wellbeing.

We are lucky enough to be in a country where women can have the choice on how and where they want to birth their babies and every single woman should feel empowered by bringing their little babies into the world no matter if it is with or without drugs, vaginally or by emergency or planned c-section, at home or in an hospital.

I did. And I have never been prouder of what my body has created and birthed.

However no matter how and where your baby is born, the most important is to feel confident and well informed in all your decisions and also feeling supported by people we trust and love.

And this is where unfortunately we can come across issues with the way some women are being treated during what should be the most amazing and memorable day of their lives. I remember during Max’s birth I was told by a doctor at the hospital that “ it wasn’t up to me” to have an episiotomy. No. It was 100% up to me to decide if I wanted to have a medical intervention or not. I stand my ground and refused it. I was also repeatedly unnecessarily examined without having much say in it. And even when I asked for these doctors to stop. They didn’t. Twice. And this is not right.

And this was one of the main reasons on why I decided I would birth my next baby in my own terms while still being supported by my two amazing midwives in case a necessary medical intervention was required. And I have absolutely no regrets in my decisions. Téo’s birth could have not been more perfect and compared to Max’s my recovery was amazingly quick !

The reason I have decided to share one of my most intimate and special moment of my life is to show that birth can be beautiful and not to be feared of. You will often hear the “horror stories” when you are pregnant and not enough beautiful birth stories.

So here is a positive story, my birth story, told in this amazing video that the extremely talented Kate Kennedy Birth Photography made for us to remember what an incredible night the 21/02/21 was ❤️

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